Developer Mindset Training – II. App Idea

Welcome back to our Pybites ADM trainingPart 2 – App idea (the A in ADM). The lessons in this video will be pivotal in your Python developer’s journey ðŸ¤¯

First, we recap common struggles people have in becoming a proficient Python developer. It’s not just based on our own experience, but also from hundreds of Pythonistas in our community ðŸ’¡

Then we envision what success can look like as a developer. We always want to keep your goals and the why in mind ðŸ˜Ž

We also:

– debunk common myths that keeps people stuck. 

– talk about deliberate practice which is so critical to master programming.

– show stories from clients that adopted our approach and the amazing results they got.

– show you the exact roadmap from 0 to MVP (Minimum Viable Product).

Overall, we try to make the complex simple, because it is very easy to get carried away with hundreds of resources, but in the end only a few key skills matter.

We like the fitness analogy where the compound movements get you the most bang for buck in terms of muscle growth, cardio and calories burned. With our ADM training we give you the compound movements for Python development.

But enough talking, check out ADM part 2 here: 

Homework: fill out our portfolio assessment to determine what apps to work on:

We hope you get a lot of value out of this training! Click here to watch next part about holistic developer skills … (part 1 is here)

– Bob & Julian

P.S. two things:

1) The training is just 30 min and yes there is a bit of live engagement in it (“say something in the chat!”), but 95% is distilled value of years of our experience and working with 100+ clients.

Yet, if you’re pressed for time, one tip is to watch it at 1.5x speed. I just did and it was still very consumable. So, this training only takes you 20 min to watch, yet its impact might be profound.

However, the most important part is the homework! None of this really matters if you don’t take action  (I hope you see that as a recurring Pybites theme by now!), so please submit the homework assignment and we’ll be in touch with you… (yes, we reply to every email, fairly soon too )

2) If you want the LIVE experience of Julian saying that “mindset is everything” (he does have a point ), come join us next time and bring your burning questions, we will be happy to answer them:

(Don’t worry about reading “Facebook” when you sign up, joining the group is not a requirement anymore. We’re looking at a better toolset / environment, so no social media platform is a prerequisite! Hope to meet you soon…)