Hey, what just happened to the pybit.es site?!
After 4.5 years of content updates, products and growth, the site just got outdated, unmanageable and even confusing. The pain was real and we needed a fix!
The site was first created using Pelican, a (Python) static site generator + GitHub pages and we were happy with it. It’s great technology and it supported our growth as a blog, team and business.
However, it was hard to keep the design professional / responsive and made it difficult to work with multiple authors.
A simple refactoring could not do this time. It was time for a complete rewrite and redesign of the site.
So we hired a professional web developer and he did an amazing job!

A few features we want to highlight:
- Front and center is the core of our business: helping people become confident developers through our coaching.
- We think the reading experience of the articles is much better, especially with the addition of dark mode (see bottom right). Fun fact: we flippantly added dark mode one day on our coding platform and people were raving about it, so dark mode was high up on the list for the new site.
- The design greatly simplifies navigation and how you can find all of our resources. The old design did not do justice to the great amount of resources and products we have to offer. As the Zen of Python says: Explicit is better than implicit and Simple is better than complex. (It’s funny how often this applies even outside the realm of coding Python!)
We hope you like the new design and as always we’re happy to receive any feedback to keep improving it.
We’d also love to hear what we can do more of to serve you well on your Python journey.
Thanks for being a part of PyBites.
PS. by the way, Pelican is still an amazing open source tool we recommend to get your site up and running fast (see our training here).