In this article I show you a way to automatically tweet your #100DaysOfCode Challenge progress. This saves you some extra time to focus on the coding. Isn’t that all what matters?
This is day 007 of our 100 Days of Code challenge. You can follow along by forking our repo.
Getting ready
You need pytz, tweepy and requests. You can pip install -r requirements.txt if you cloned our repo (after cd-ing in 007). We recommend using virtualenv to isolate environments.
As explained in a previous article you need to get a Consumer Key/Secret and Access Token (Secret) from Twitter. I added those to my .bashrc which I load in via os.environ in There I also started a logging handler I use to log outgoing tweets and any exceptions that may occur.
The main script
See here and below what I learned:
As per PEP8 we import stdlib, followed by external modules and own project modules:
import datetime import os import re import sys import requests import pytz from config import logging, api
My server (see deployment below) runs on MT tz and I wanted to talk EMEA times. Pytz (World Timezone Definitions for Python) to the rescue: it made working with timezones very easy:
tz = pytz.timezone('Europe/Amsterdam') now = start = datetime.datetime(2017, 3, 29, tzinfo=tz) # = PyBites 100 days :)
I define some constants in all capital letters with underscores separating words (PEP8). I start to like datetime: calculating dates is easy:
CURRENT_CHALLENGE_DAY = str((now - start).days).zfill(3) LOG = '' LOG_ENTRY = re.compile(r'\[(?P
.*?)\]\((?P \d+)\)') REPO_URL = '' TWEET_LEN = 140 TWEET_LINK_LEN = 23 -
Where would we be without requests? Here I get the file from our repo, just a single line of code:
def get_log(): return requests.get(LOG).text.split('\n')
I get the script title and day string from the line in that matches the exact day string (today = ‘007’):
def get_day_progress(html): lines = [line.strip() for line in html if line.strip()] for line in lines: day_entry = line.strip('|').split('|')[0].strip() if day_entry == CURRENT_CHALLENGE_DAY: return
I create the tweet. I added some code to shorten the script title if the total tweet size is too long:
def create_tweet(m): ht1, ht2 = '#100DaysOfCode', '#Python' title = m['title'] day = m['day'] url = REPO_URL + day allowed_len = TWEET_LEN + len(url) - TWEET_LINK_LEN fmt = '{} - Day {}: {} {} {}' tweet = fmt.format(ht1, day, title, url, ht2) surplus = len(tweet) - allowed_len if surplus > 0: new_title = title[:-(surplus + 4)] + '...' tweet = tweet.replace(title, new_title) return tweet
tweet_status() sends the tweet. We use the imported api object (from to send the tweet and we log an info if success, or error if any exception:
def tweet_status(tweet): try: api.update_status(tweet)'Posted to Twitter') except Exception as exc: logging.error('Error posting to Twitter: {}'.format(exc))
We drive the script under main (= if script is run directly/standalone, not imported by another module). I set up some variables to allow for testing / dry runs:
if __name__ == '__main__': import socket local = 'MacBook' in socket.gethostname() test = local or 'dry' in sys.argv[1:]
If test I use my local LOG file:
if test: log = os.path.basename(LOG) with open(log) as f: html = f.readlines() else: html = get_log()
If for some reason I don’t get a valid return from get_day_progress() I abort the script, logging the error:
m = get_day_progress(html) if not m: logging.error('Error getting day progress from log') sys.exit(1)
I create the tweet. If dry run, I just log it, else it tweets automatically:
tweet = create_tweet(m) if test:'Test: tweet to send: {}'.format(tweet)) else: tweet_status(tweet)
On my server I had to do some magic to get it all working: source .bashrc to load in the ENV vars, export PYTHONPATH, and specify the full path to python3. As explained here: “Cron knows nothing about your shell; it is started by the system, so it has a minimal environment.”
$ crontab -l
34 14 * * * source $HOME/.bashrc && export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/bin/python3/lib/python3.5/site-packages && cd $HOME/code/100days/007 && $HOME/bin/python3/bin/python3.5
What a coincidence: as I write this our today’s progress tweet just went out 🙂
The cool thing about the logging module is that you get the external packages’ logging for free. When I look at the log I see a lot more than my script’s logging:
$ vi 100day_autotweet.log
14:34:02 tweepy.binder INFO PARAMS: {'status': b'#100DaysOfCode - Day 007: script to automatically tweet 100DayOfCode progress tweet #Python'}
many more log entries ...
14:34:02 requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG "POST /1.1/statuses/update.json? HTTP/1.1" 200 2693
14:34:02 root INFO Posted to Twitter ==> my message
Of course you can mute these by raising the log level (INFO or higher) in logging.basicConfig ( See the docs for more info.
I hope this taught you a bite of Python and it inspired you to automate your 100DaysOfCode and/or other tweets. Let us know how it goes … Happy coding!
Keep Calm and Code in Python!
— Bob