Abstract Syntax Trees in Python

In this article Alessandro provides an overview of Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs), introduces a few use-cases, and showcases the ast module in the Python Standard Library. The content is structured in a top-down fashion, starting from general notion about an AST, and digging deeper up to the point of artificially manipulating an AST to “randomize” the content of some instructions.

How to Create an AWS Lambda Layer For Any Python Dependency

I finally managed to get scikit-learn running on the platform. On the way, I learned a lot about AWS Lambda Layers, AWS cli, and AWS cloud infrastructure in general. And now it’s time I share this knowledge with you. In this article you will learn about creating your own AWS Lambda Layer to support any Python package you may need.

Cleaning Text Data With Python

Machine Learning is super powerful if your data is numeric. What do you do, however, if you want to mine text data to discover hidden insights or to predict the sentiment of the text. What, for example, if you wanted to identify a post on a social media site as cyber bullying. In this article we introduce some methods to clean your text and prepare it for modelling.

There is More Than One Way to Solve a Bite Exercise

According to the Zen of Python, “There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.” It’s a good principle for designing a program: the more ways there are of doing something, the more confusing the software becomes, along with a host of other problems. In reality, though, there almost always is more than one way to accomplish something. The quotation even displays this fact: it places the dash in two different ways, neither of which are the obvious way.

How to Run External Python Libraries in AWS Cloud

AWS Lambda is awesome, but sometimes it can be hard to get external libraries working in this serverless environment. No worries, we learned a lesson or two which I will share in this article. Ready to run almost any Python library in the cloud? This should excite you and even trigger your entrepeneurial mind …