A while back we launched our Test Bites. In this follow up article Harrison explains the MutPy mutation testing tool in depth and how we use it to verify test code on our platform. Enter Harrison.
Exploring the Mutpy Library and How PyBites Uses it to Verify Test Code
By Harrison Morgan on 9 February 2020
There’s no Wrong Way… to Eat a Bite of Py
By AJ Kerrigan on 27 November 2019
There are many ways to tackle a Bites of Py exercise, try them all!
From Webscraper to Wordcloud
By Cedric Sambre on 27 November 2019
After going through the web scraping learning paths, I decided to get my hands dirty and apply my freshly gathered knowledge on a real life project. I explain some difficulties you might encounter while scraping and I also show some libraries that can help you visualizing data you have obtained.
You can now hone your testing / pytest skills on our platform
By Bob Belderbos on 18 November 2019
Writing test code is an essential skill. As PyBites we believe writing code is the only solution to becoming a master (Ninja) at programming. The same applies to test code. For that reason we extended our regular exercises with Test Bites. In this article you will read about the feature showcasing it on our first ever Test Bite. We also share some details around implementation and a challenge we hit getting it to work. Enjoy and start honing your testing skills today!
Under the Hood: Python Comparison Breakdown
By AJ Kerrigan on 27 October 2019
Use Python’s “dis” module to see how Python evaluates two similar comparison operations.
PyCon ES 2019 Alicante Highlights
By Bob Belderbos on 8 October 2019
Last weekend it was Pycon time again, my 6th one so far. This time closer to home: Alicante. I had an awesome time, meeting a lot of nice people, watching interesting talks and getting inspired overall to keep learning more Python. In this post I share 10 highlights, but keep in mind this is a selection only, there are quite a few more talks I want to check out once they appear on Youtube …
Linting with Flake8
By Julian Sequeira on 8 October 2019
What the heck is linting? Let’s dive into the concept and talk about how flake8 can help us make our code better.
Code Challenge 64 – PyCon ES 2019 Marvel Challenge
By PyBites Team on 4 October 2019
Hey Pythonistas, this weekend is Pycon ES and in the unlikely event you get bored, you can always do some coding with PyBites. Two more good reasons to do so: 1. there are prizes / giveaways, 2. your PRs count towards Hacktoberfest (t-shirt). Fire up your editors and let’s get coding!
How I Followed my Heart, Conquered Fear and Became a Public Speaker
By Mridu Bhatnagar on 4 September 2019
In this guest post Mridu shares with us how she got into public speaking, conquering fear and imposter syndrome. What did she learn? And what does she recommend for people starting out? Let’s hear from Mridu!
How to Cleanup S3 Objects and Unittest it
By Giuseppe Cunsolo on 2 September 2019
In this guest post Giuseppe shares what he learned having to cleanup a large number of objects in an S3 bucket. He introduces us to some boto3 as well as moto and freezegun he used to test his code. Enter Giuseppe …