Hey Pythonistas, in this new blog code challenge you are going to use selenium to automatically generate some cool featured images for PyBites. Have fun!
Code Challenge 63 – Automatically Generate Blog Featured Images
By PyBites Team on 2 September 2019
PyCon Australia 2019
By Julian Sequeira on 5 August 2019
PyCon Australia 2019 was bigger and better than I could have imagined. Here are my takeaways.
Code Challenge 62 – Women @ Pycon ES
By PyBites Team on 12 July 2019
Hey Pythonistas, in this special live Alicante PyDay challenge you will analyze Pycon speaker data, do we see more women going on stage? Enjoy!
Watermarking photos? “I can do that in Python!”
By Anthony Lister on 24 June 2019
My wife is setting up a business from home and wanted to protect photos of her work submitted to social media sites and the web in general. “I can do that using Python!”, I exclaimed, thinking I had seen a tutorial showing how ages ago. Laptop open, I set to work and found my bookmarked tutorial. It was using OpenCV2 and even after ~70 odd days of my #100DaysOfCode journey, I didn’t really understand it well enough to configure it myself if I had to make changes. (OpenCV is on my list of things to do after my #100Days). I remembered reading about Pillow, or PIL as it is sometimes known, and started to read the docs for it. Challenge to myself accepted!
The First Step in Contributing to Open Source Projects
By Marc Falzon on 20 June 2019
Have you ever wanted to contribute to open source but weren’t sure how to get started? Marc found himself in just that situation. Sometimes it all comes down to taking that first step.
Why whiteboard coding interviews suck and what we’re doing about it.
By Julian Sequeira on 5 June 2019
Whiteboard Interviews are a thing of a past. Introducing the CodeChallenges Recruiting Tier. Time to interview for programming roles the right way.
How to Create and Serve Zipfiles from Django
By Bob Belderbos on 8 May 2019
We added support to our platfom for bulk downloading of all your code submissions. This feature required creating and serving up zipfiles through Django. In this article I show you how to do it creating a simple Django app collecting code snippets through the admin interface, and serving them up in a zipfile via a download endpoint. Let’s dive straight in …
PyBites Twitter Digest – Issue 04, 2019
By PyBites Team on 7 April 2019
Every weekend we share a curated list of 15 cool things (mostly Python) that we found / tweeted throughout the week.
Building a Python Tips API with Django REST Framework and Deploying it to Digital Ocean
By Bob Belderbos on 5 March 2019
In this article I will show you how to build a simple API for our growing collection of Python tips. First we make a simple Django app, defining the model. Next we use Django REST Framework to make an API supporting common CRUD operations. Then we will test it out using curl, Postman and Django REST’s browser front-end. Lastly we deploy the API to Digital Ocean so we can start using it via our Slack with a Slash Command, which I will cover in the next article. Sounds exciting? You bet it is! Let’s jump straight in!
PyBites Twitter Digest – Issue 03, 2019
By PyBites Team on 3 March 2019
Every weekend we share a curated list of 15 cool things (mostly Python) that we found / tweeted throughout the week.