In this post I share a simple script to convert Bookcision JSON into a HTML page for your blog.
How to create a nice-looking HTML page of your Kindle book highlights (notes)
By Bob Belderbos on 26 December 2016
A Quick Automate the Boring Stuff Review
By Julian Sequeira on 26 December 2016
A quick review of the legendary free book, Automate the Boring Stuff.
Zip and ship, make an executable zipfile of your py project
By Bob Belderbos on 25 December 2016
In this post I show an example how you can distribute your code as an executable zipfile, a neat trick I discovered in Chapter 6 of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python
Get a weekly digest from a Pelican blog
By Bob Belderbos on 24 December 2016
In this post a script we use to get a weekly digest of our posts.
2016 py articles and useful books
By Bob Belderbos on 22 December 2016
Some of my Python articles I posted on my blog this year and useful books
The Beauty of Python Virtualenvs
By Julian Sequeira on 22 December 2016
Python Virtualenvs are incredible yet sadly under utilised!
Read the stdlib: deque
By Bob Belderbos on 20 December 2016
Use collections.deque to rotate letters in string (or elements in list). It has a native method which performs faster too.
How to get PyBites up and running on your machine
By PyBites Team on 20 December 2016
This is a short post for Julian to get this Pelican blog up and running on his system.
By PyBites Team on 19 December 2016
Welcome to our new PyBites blog where our goal is to further develop our Python skills and share what we learn.