PyBites Twitter Digest – Issue 21, 2018

By on 1 July 2018

Make your own Iterators

We love seeing the enthusiasm as well as what people are getting out of our #100DaysOfPython Course!

Support Ned and have a read about

Always love these tutorials by Adrian!

TensorFlow goodness

A great read for all of the data scientists out there

Our mate Ant Shaw is trying out coding livestreams on Twitch. Check out the replay!

Quality optimisation tip ha!

Python Development Environment

Trey Hunner’s Python Chat on datetimes

Check out Raymond Hettingers tutorial on dataclasses

The perfect use of dataviz!

Always Be Coding

A pretty interesting list of Python resources and projects (check out Bob’s article on Bottle!)

Write your own programming language and compiler with Python!

>>> from pybites import Bob, Julian

Keep Calm and Code in Python!

Want a career as a Python Developer but not sure where to start?