PyBites Twitter Digest – Issue 24, 2018

By on 22 July 2018

Starting this week off with some great feedback from our 100DaysOfCode participants!

Great resource for beginner Python errors. Raised by our very own Bob on the Python Bytes podcast!

Love this method of noting down everything you learn. Thanks Rob!

Why is Python so slow? Another quality article from Anthony Shaw

A nice overview of Python and Guido

Bring on the next 100 Bites Ninja! Nice certificate too!

Monitoring Python 3.6 Functions on AWS Lambda

A Complete Guide to Learning OpenCV! Brilliant!

Keep it simple

Weekly Regex

New release of pyjanitor

SciPy 2018 videos are up!

Best practices for building containers


>>> from pybites import Bob, Julian

Keep Calm and Code in Python!

Want a career as a Python Developer but not sure where to start?