Your First Python Open Source Contribution: A Step-By-Step Guide

By on 20 September 2023


I recently re-engaged with one of my open source projects and it was a rewarding experience. 🎉

It was a Pybites project I had written the core for years ago, but thanks to some amazing Pythonistas in our community it became a way more mature tool so I had to get acquainted again.

I was resolving an issue that had been causing some disturbance in our community, hence fixing it was quite satisfying.

Contributing to open source is amazing, and with the amount of projects out there your contributions are necessary.

It’s also one of the best way to become a better Pythonista.

Beyond personal development, the significance of open source in the tech industry, the ethos behind it, and how it powers much of the modern web and software infrastructure makes it so much more important.

Starting out can also be overwhelming though. So in this guide I will walk you through the steps to begin your journey as an open source contributor.

Why Contribute to Open Source?

Let’s first look why this makes you a better Python programmer …

1. Develop Your Technical Skills 💪

  • Dive into a Code Base: Fixing bugs often involves understanding someone else’s code. This is an excellent practice for reading and understanding code quickly.
  • Think Design: When implementing a new feature, you must consider how your code fits into the existing architecture, honing your design skills. You don’t learn that from tutorials (!), neither from staying in your own silo / only working on your own projects. This is a critical skill, since joining a software team you 9 out of 10 times will inherit an existing code base!
  • Learn from Code Reviews: Peer reviews expose you to different perspectives and best practices, and they can be a valuable source of learning. There was an before and after in my software career when I underwent code reviews by more senior peers. We spoke about this here. 💡

2. Network and Collaborate with Other Developers 😄

  • Forge Professional Relationships: Collaboration on projects allows you to meet like-minded individuals, fostering friendships and networking opportunities.
  • Discover New Opportunities: Continuous interaction with other developers can open doors to collaborations, partnerships, and job offers. This sounds cliché but it’s incredible what “one”— just one — contact can do for your entire career, so really grab this opportunity.

3. Enhance Your Resume and Portfolio 📈

  • Gain Practical Experience: Employers appreciate candidates who can hit the ground running. Contributing to projects shows that you can work with real-world code.
  • Showcase Your Commitment: Active contributions signal a mentality of continuous learning and a desire to improve software for everyone. Funny fact: most people that reach out for help have this deep desire to give back. Well there is no better way than doing it with code, no?

4. Mastering Open-Source Communication 🗣️

  • Engage with Tact and Clarity: In the open-source world, effective communication is as vital as the code you contribute.
    Whether you’re raising an issue, commenting on a PR, or just interacting in discussions, how you convey your thoughts can determine the reception and success of your contribution.
    Clear, positive, and respectful dialogue fosters collaboration and minimizes misunderstandings. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to build relationships and showcase your professionalism.
    More on the communication part in a bit …

Overcoming the Fear: “Am I Good Enough?”

1. Start Small

  • Simple Contributions: Even correcting typos in documentation or improving the readability of code / comments can be a great way to get your feet wet.

    Many beginners experience what’s commonly known as ‘imposter syndrome’—the feeling that they’re not qualified or deserving of their accomplishments. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. In fact, we’ve detailed 9 actionable tips to combat imposter syndrome in this article. Understanding and addressing these feelings can make your open source journey more fulfilling and less daunting.

2. What Do You Care About?

  • Personal Connection: Contributing to a project that excites you will make the process more enjoyable and sustainable. Our portfolio assessment can help you here too …

3. Familiarize Yourself with Git and GitHub

  • Learn the Basics: Plenty of online tutorials can guide you through the process of creating branches, committing changes, and opening pull requests, but the best way to learn the skills is to use them in a real world setting. Open source gives you this playground.

4. Review the Project’s Guidelines

  • Know the Rules: Most projects have a file that outlines how to set up the development environment and submit contributions.

5. Choosing a License for Contributions

  • Understanding the type of license a project uses is crucial before making contributions. Licenses define how the software can be used, modified, and distributed.
  • Some commonly used open-source licenses are MIT License, GNU General Public License (GPL), Apache License 2.0, BSD Licenses and Creative Commons Licenses.
  • Before contributing to or starting an open-source project, ensure you’re comfortable with its license. Some licenses may have implications for how your contributions are used in the future.

6. Effective Communication

This is a really important one so here are 9 tips:

  • Clear and Concise Messaging: When commenting on issues or PRs, be clear about what you’re addressing. Avoid using jargon unless it’s commonly understood in the project’s context.
  • Stay Positive and Respectful: Remember that there’s a human on the other side of the screen. Always approach discussions with a positive attitude and avoid confrontational or aggressive language.
  • Provide Context: If you’re raising an issue or making a contribution, provide as much relevant context as possible. This might include screenshots, error messages, or references to related issues.
  • Ask Questions: If you’re unsure about something, it’s better to ask than assume. However, do ensure you’ve checked available documentation or previous issues before asking.
  • Acknowledge Feedback: If someone provides feedback or asks questions about your contribution, acknowledge it, even if you disagree. This creates a sense of collaboration and mutual respect.
  • Avoid Emotional Responses: It’s easy to get emotionally attached to your code, but remember that feedback is about the code, not you as a person. If a comment or review triggers an emotional response, take a break before replying.
  • Use Emojis Judiciously: Emojis can convey tone and emotion, making text-based communication friendlier. However, ensure your usage aligns with the project’s communication style and doesn’t obscure the message.
  • Stay Updated: If you’re part of a thread or discussion, try to keep up with it. This shows commitment and can prevent redundant or outdated contributions.
  • Close the Loop: If an issue you raised gets resolved or a PR you made gets merged/closed, thank everyone involved and ensure there are no loose ends.

7. Seek a Supportive Community

Being part of a supportive community can make a world of difference in your open-source journey. Not only will you have a platform to ask questions and seek guidance, but you’ll also gain invaluable insights from experienced developers.

Here are a few Python-centric communities known for their welcoming and collaborative atmospheres:

  • Pybites: This is the one! I am biased of course! 😄 However, it is a fantastic place for Python enthusiasts of all skill levels. Whether you’re looking for advice on a specific problem or simply want to share your experiences or be among passionate developers, this community is a great place to start.
  • r/learnpython: Reddit’s learnpython community is a treasure trove of resources, discussions, and advice. Whether you’re a beginner seeking guidance or an experienced developer looking to help others, you’ll find a welcoming space here.
  • Python Software Foundation (PSF) Community: The PSF is the organization behind Python, and their community is vast and diverse. They have mailing lists, forums, and working groups dedicated to various aspects of Python and its development.
  • What is your goal with Python? Remember, the right community can greatly influence your growth and experience in the open-source world.
    But it’s essential to consider your individual goals. For example, if you’re a beginner you might benefit more from r/learnpython, but if you’re looking to contribute to web development projects, you might find the Django (or framework …) community more relevant.
    In any case, all these communities are welcoming (one of the nicest Python features actually! 💡) and offer unique perspectives and opportunities.

Finding the Right Project

1. Explore GitHub

  • Search and Filter: Use GitHub’s search functionality to find projects in Python that align with your interests and skill level. We also bundled some of our projects in our Opensource GitHub org here.

2. Check “Good First Issue” Labels

  • Newcomer-Friendly Projects: These labels are a signal from the maintainers that they welcome contributions from those new to the project.

3. Understand the Role of Maintainers

  • Maintainers are the backbone of open-source projects. They review contributions, ensure code quality, manage releases, and steer the project’s direction.
  • Here’s what maintainers typically look for and how you can make their lives easier:
    • Well-Documented Contributions: Ensure that any code you submit is accompanied by relevant documentation. If you’re fixing a bug, provide a clear description of the problem and your solution.
    • Follow Project Guidelines: Adhering to the project’s style guide, testing protocols, and contribution guidelines ensures your submissions align with the project’s standards and reduces back-and-forth.
    • Stay Engaged: After submitting a contribution, stay active in the discussion. Address feedback promptly and collaborate with maintainers and other contributors.
    • Understand the Project’s Vision: Before suggesting a significant change or new feature, familiarize yourself with the project’s goals and roadmap. This ensures your contributions align with the project’s direction.
    • Respect Time and Effort: Maintainers often volunteer their time. Be patient when waiting for feedback and appreciative of their input.

4. Follow Your Interests

  • Personal Use Cases: If there is a tool or library you use regularly, this familiarity makes it a great candidate for your contributions.

5. Attend Meetups

  • Networking and Inspiration: Events like local Python meetups or global events like Hacktoberfest are excellent opportunities to find projects and mentors.

Opening Your First PR Without Having an Anxiety Attack 😅

1. Double Check Your Work

  • Code Quality: Before submitting, ensure your code is clean, well-commented, and adheres to the project’s style guide. The project might offer guidance here, but for example, using tools like flake8 already catches common issues / violations.

2. Start with a Draft PR

  • Invite Early Feedback: Draft PRs are a non-intimidating way to show your work and ask for comments without officially submitting it.

3. Ask for Help When You Need It

  • No Shame in Asking: If you’re stuck, ask for guidance. It’s much better than staying stuck. This is often the hardest thing as developers, but on the other end is a human that wants to help and can empathize with where you are at, because they were there too at some point.

4. It Takes Time

  • It’s a Learning Process: Remember that every contributor started somewhere, and the primary goal is growth and learning, not immediate perfection (which you won’t hit nor should aim for anyways).

Diversity in Open Source 🌍

A diverse set of contributors not only brings varied skills and knowledge but also ensures that the software developed is robust, inclusive, and caters to a global audience.

As you venture into the open-source community, be an advocate for diversity and inclusivity. Recognize that every contribution, regardless of its origin, enriches the community and the broader tech ecosystem.

By prioritizing diversity, we are building software that truly represents and serves everyone.


Contributing to open source projects as a Python developer is a rewarding endeavor that enhances both your technical and mindset skills, and your career prospects.

It’s normal to feel nervous at the outset, but with a supportive community (one of the best features of the Python space remember!), and a willingness to learn and improve, you’ll soon find that it’s a richly rewarding experience.

Keep calm and code in Python! 🎉

Made your first open-source contribution after reading this guide? We’re eager to celebrate with you!

Taking that first step is often the hardest. 🎉 Dive into our Python community, renowned for its welcoming spirit. There’s always a spot open for a new contributor!

Also, what better place to share and celebrate your open source contributions and other Python/mindset achievements? Your victories will inspire and encourage others!

Recognizing and celebrating milestones can fuel your motivation. Curious about why? Check out our related article on this topic.

And finally remember that every contribution, no matter how small, pushes the world of open-source forward. Take the leap, and become a part of this incredible journey.

🎉 Join our Pybites Community 🎉

Want a career as a Python Developer but not sure where to start?