Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

In this post, I will build a simple fitness tracker app using Python Reflex. Reflex is a Python library that allows you to create reactive applications using a functional and declarative approach. We will use Reflex to create a simple fitness tracker app that allows you to log the amount of workouts completed per week.… Continue reading Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

What is the Repository Pattern and How to Use it in Python?

The repository pattern is a design pattern that helps you separate business logic from data access code. It does so by providing a unified interface for interacting with different data sources, bringing the following advantages to your system: A practical example Let’s use Python and sqlmodel (PyPI) to demonstrate this pattern (code here): Note: In this implementation,… Continue reading What is the Repository Pattern and How to Use it in Python?

Leveraging typing.Protocol: Faster Error Detection And Beyond Inheritance

Introduction Two weeks ago I wrote an article about ABCs and interface enforcement. Shortly after I learned that you can do this as well with protocols. Python 3.8 introduced quite a groundbreaking feature that further advanced the language’s capabilities in type checking: the typing.Protocol which allows Python developers to define and enforce interface contracts in… Continue reading Leveraging typing.Protocol: Faster Error Detection And Beyond Inheritance

How to Send Email Notifications Using Sendgrid and GitHub Actions

Introduction As a Python developer I want to stay up2date with trends and useful tips & tricks. Of course there are great newsletters like Pycoders, but those are already hitting my inbox. Let’s look at Planet Python in this article, an aggregation site/ service that indexes a lot of good Python blog feeds. Keeping an… Continue reading How to Send Email Notifications Using Sendgrid and GitHub Actions

Elevate Your Python: Harnessing the Power of Abstract Base Classes (ABCs)

Introduction One cool object-oriented programming (OOP) technique / pattern is enforcing consistent interfaces. In Python you can use Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) for that. 🐍 Using ABCs ensures that all subclasses implement the required methods. This can make it easier to maintain and extend the existing code base. Update Feb 2024: you can also leverage… Continue reading Elevate Your Python: Harnessing the Power of Abstract Base Classes (ABCs)

Exploring the Role of Static Methods in Python: A Functional Perspective

Introduction Python’s versatility in supporting different programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming, opens up a rich landscape for software design and development. Among these paradigms, the use of static methods in Python, particularly in an object-oriented context, has been a topic of debate. This article delves into the role and implications of static… Continue reading Exploring the Role of Static Methods in Python: A Functional Perspective

6 Cool Things You Can Do With The Functools Module

In this article let’s look at the functools Standard Library module and 6 cool things you can do with it (be warned, a lot of decorators are coming your way! 😍) … 1. Cache (“memoize”) things You can use the @cache decorator (formerly called @lru_cache) as a “simple lightweight unbounded function cache”. The classic example is… Continue reading 6 Cool Things You Can Do With The Functools Module