When playing with decorators (this week’s challenge) I got stuck: how do you write a decorator that takes an optional argument? Python cookbook 3rd ed edition to the rescue. In this post how I failed my way to the right solution.
Bob Belderbos
Bob studied business economics, but got fired up about programming early in his career. He taught himself web design / coding and started living his biggest passion: automate the boring stuff, making other people's lives easier. Since then he has coded projects accruing millions in cost savings and built a coding platform that has taught Python to thousands of people worldwide. He deeply cares about helping other people succeed. His biggest win will be your next win!
How we Automated our 100DaysOfCode Daily Tweet
By Bob Belderbos on 5 April 2017
In this article I show you a way to automatically tweet your #100DaysOfCode Challenge progress. This saves you some extra time to focus on the coding. Isn’t that all what matters?
How to Build a Simple Slack Bot
By Bob Belderbos on 4 April 2017
I was playing with Slack’s Real Time Messaging API the other day. Building a bot is pretty easy. In this article a simple example.
5 Vim Tricks to Speed up Your Python Development
By Bob Belderbos on 28 March 2017
In this article 5 Vim shortcuts to speed up your Python development.
Best Practices for Compatible Python 2 and 3 Code
By Bob Belderbos on 22 March 2017
95% of most popular Python packages support Python 3. Maybe you are lucky and get to start fresh using Python 3. However as of last year Python 2.7 still reigns supreme in pip installs and at a lot of places 2.x is the only version you get to work in. I think writing Python 2 and 3 compatible code is an important skill, so lets check what it entails.
10 Tips to Get More out of Your Regexes
By Bob Belderbos on 15 March 2017
Regular expressions can be arcane, yet when used with care they can also be very powerful. In this post a couple of tips to get more out of your regexes when using Python’s re module.
PyBites Module of the Week – Requests-cache for Repeated API Calls
By Bob Belderbos on 14 March 2017
Today a quick article on a nice caching module when working with APIs: Requests-cache.
Simple API Part 2 – Building a Deep Work Logger with Flask, Slack and Google Docs
By Bob Belderbos on 10 March 2017
After Simple API – part 1 a more practical app in this part 2 tutorial: a Deep Work logger integrating Google docs and Slack, including deployment of the app to Heroku.
Don’t let mutability of compound objects fool you!
By Bob Belderbos on 7 March 2017
In this article I explain the difference between shallow versus deep copy with a working example. It’s an important concept when working with compound objects.
How To Build a Simple API with Flask and Unit Test it
By Bob Belderbos on 3 March 2017
In this post I will create a simple API with Flask and test it with curl and unit testing its HTTP methods.