In this post I will give you 5 tips to speed up your code.
Bob Belderbos
Bob studied business economics, but got fired up about programming early in his career. He taught himself web design / coding and started living his biggest passion: automate the boring stuff, making other people's lives easier. Since then he has coded projects accruing millions in cost savings and built a coding platform that has taught Python to thousands of people worldwide. He deeply cares about helping other people succeed. His biggest win will be your next win!
Visualizing website and social media metrics with matplotlib [notebook]
By Bob Belderbos on 8 February 2017
in this notebook i use matplotlib.pyplot to create simple yet powerful visualizations of pybites twitter activity, our blog’s tag usage and our website traffic. Lastly I use Google trends to see popularity of various social media.
Python Tricks book review
By Bob Belderbos on 31 January 2017
A review of Dan Bader’s Python tricks book.
Python’s data model by example
By Bob Belderbos on 25 January 2017
After last post on OOP a logical follow-up is Python’s data model. We use the great Fluent Python book to code up an example of our own, showing the powerful way you can leverage this data model. You can download the notebook here.
Everything is an Object, Python OOP primer
By Bob Belderbos on 24 January 2017
I created a notebook on OOP (object oriented programming) in Python.
Errors should never pass silently
By Bob Belderbos on 18 January 2017
In this article some important anti-patterns regarding error handling and how to solve them making your code more Pythonic and easier to maintain.
5 cool things you can do with itertools
By Bob Belderbos on 12 January 2017
Itertools is a very useful module. In this short post I show some 5 examples how you can use it. Some of this stuff might be useful in next week’s challenge …
Beautiful, idiomatic Python
By Bob Belderbos on 10 January 2017
Transforming Code into Beautiful, Idiomatic Python is a must-watch to write more Pythonic code. In this post some highlights.
A great book that makes algorithms accessible
By Bob Belderbos on 3 January 2017
I finished reading Grokking Algorithms, it’s a very accessible resource for learning algorithms / data structures, highly recommended.
5 min guide to PEP8
By Bob Belderbos on 2 January 2017
Today a post on PEP8, the Style Guide for Python Code