Your First Python Open Source Contribution: A Step-By-Step Guide

Introduction I recently re-engaged with one of my open source projects and it was a rewarding experience. 🎉 It was a Pybites project I had written the core for years ago, but thanks to some amazing Pythonistas in our community it became a way more mature tool so I had to get acquainted again. I… Continue reading Your First Python Open Source Contribution: A Step-By-Step Guide

Make Each Line Count, Keeping Things Simple in Python

A challenge in software development is to keep things simple 🤯 For your code to not grow overly complex over time 😱 Simple is better than complex.Complex is better than complicated. Zen of Python 🐍 Simplicity in your code means fewer possibilities for bugs to hide and easier debugging when they do arise 📈 It… Continue reading Make Each Line Count, Keeping Things Simple in Python

⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

Anyone who’s worked with Python knows that modules can be a Godsend, saving you time, effort, and many lines of code. They even have namespacing built-in 💪 😍 To expand on this a bit: However, not all ways of using modules are equally beneficial. In this article, we will discuss why using import * can… Continue reading ⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Python allows you to use *args and **kwargs in function definitions to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively. Here is a simple example: Different types of function arguments In the above example, the arbitrary_args function is defined to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments using the *args and **kwargs… Continue reading The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Avoiding Silent Failures in Python: Best Practices for Error Handling

In the world of programming, errors are inevitable. But how we choose to handle these errors can make the difference between a system that is robust and user-friendly and one that is fraught with ambiguous issues 😱 The Zen of Python famously states, “Errors should never pass silently.” This principle emphasizes the importance of addressing… Continue reading Avoiding Silent Failures in Python: Best Practices for Error Handling

How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile

Makefiles are awesome, and you can use them in your Python projects too (they are not only to compile and build C/C++ projects that is) 😎 They help you automate various tasks and streamline the development process overall 🚀 They allow you to: – Manage dependencies– Run tests– Build documentation– Format your code– Lint and… Continue reading How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile

5 tips to learn any new Python library faster

This was a Pybites email first. To always get the latest and greatest content, subscribe here. Lately I have been learning some new libraries for weekly PDM Code Clinic demo sessions (e.g. PyScript, Flet, PySimpleGUI, Playwright, htmx, Redis, Leaflet, etc.) There is a general approach I take that makes this less painful and more fun.… Continue reading 5 tips to learn any new Python library faster

Teachers aren’t the only ones who teach. As a developer you’re expected to do so too …

This article appeared first as a Pybites email. To receive this kind of content first, subscribe to our weekly newsletter. For a long time, I thought I should not make mistakes when teaching other developers. I would hide behind slides because they were “hardcoded”, safe, or I’d do a lot of editing of my coding… Continue reading Teachers aren’t the only ones who teach. As a developer you’re expected to do so too …