Mutable vs Immutable Data Types in Python

Knowing the difference between mutable and immutable types in Python is important. In this article I will give you some practical examples of both and show you some of the advantages of using immutable types. We even look at JS / React / functional programming a bit towards the end.

When to Write Classes in Python And Why it Matters

When people come to Python one of the things they struggle with is OOP (Object Oriented Programming). Not so much the syntax of classes, but more when and when not to use them. If that’s you, read on. In this article I will give you some insights that will get you clarity on this.

A Simple yet Effective System

There is just too much stuff out there when it comes to being more productive. I am reading The Ultimate Sales Machine (Chet Holmes) and it offers what is probably the most concise time management system I have seen so far.