Naughts and Crosses (Tic-Tac-Toe to some audiences) is a popular skill game often played by children. It can also be usefully employed to distract dial up computers, at NORAD for example, rather than allowing the ‘playing’ of Global Thermonuclear War. Would you like to play a game?
Geoff Riley
With over 40 years experience, Geoff is a self proclaimed ancient programmer who often reminisces about the days when a single computer filled rooms and had less power than a modern washing machine. Professionally he has been involved with: data collection and statistical process analysis; recruitment payroll, and search and selection systems; and some database analysis. He has a large arsenal of programming languages at his disposal, having started with Basic (an interest main frame version) and moving through assembly code (Z-80 and 6502 initially) before taking up Pascal and C before getting into more scripting languages including Bash, Perl and, of course, Python when managing arrays of servers. Beyond computer based tasks, Geoff is also a skilled jewellery maker, model maker and (what the choir leader calls) a useful tenor in the local Anglican Church choir.