When Bob and I first started Pybites, there was no way I could have imagined it’d grow to what it is today. Launching our first products was a massive moment for us both, not just because these were ways to sustain the business, but because we were actually HELPING people. People were coming to us… Continue reading Bridging the Skills Gap Across Africa with Pybites
Julian Sequeira
After working with servers, data centers and communications at some of the largest companies on the planet, Julian made the switch to a Python software developer role in 2019. After learning Python teaching it on PyBites with best friend Bob, Julian has made it his mission to spread his love of Python and his expertise in communication and mindset. You can hear Julian in action here.
Don’t Blame Yourself at Work
By Julian Sequeira on 5 March 2021
A workplace/career thought for you to consider today.
Break Fear to Boost Productivity
By Julian Sequeira on 9 March 2020
This week I’m looking at how fear can help you be more productive and, no I don’t mean the fear of not delivering on time… although that is a good motivator right? Actually no, that’s a terrible motivator. This is all about empowering you to break down fear barriers by getting uncomfortable then using that as a motivator to kick some goals!
Introduction to Python Functions
By Julian Sequeira on 11 February 2020
In this article I’m going to break down what a function is and how you can use them to be a better coder.
Linting with Flake8
By Julian Sequeira on 8 October 2019
What the heck is linting? Let’s dive into the concept and talk about how flake8 can help us make our code better.
PyCon Australia 2019
By Julian Sequeira on 5 August 2019
PyCon Australia 2019 was bigger and better than I could have imagined. Here are my takeaways.
Why whiteboard coding interviews suck and what we’re doing about it.
By Julian Sequeira on 5 June 2019
Whiteboard Interviews are a thing of a past. Introducing the CodeChallenges Recruiting Tier. Time to interview for programming roles the right way.
Persistent Virtualenv Environment Variables with python-dotenv
By Julian Sequeira on 6 October 2018
In this article I’m going to show you how to declare persistent environment variables in Python Virtual Environments with python-dotenv.
PyCon 2018 – My First PyCon
By Julian Sequeira on 19 May 2018
Going into my first PyCon was pretty daunting. Luckily, the Python community is absolutely incredible so my fears quickly faded. Surprisingly, there was a lot to gain that wasn’t actually technical or code related. Read on for a recap of the experience.
Hiding BCC Recipients in Python MIME Emails
By Julian Sequeira on 6 September 2017
How to actually hide the BCC recipients when sending an email with Python MIME.