An article on my experience learning Flask and Django.
Julian Sequeira
After working with servers, data centers and communications at some of the largest companies on the planet, Julian made the switch to a Python software developer role in 2019. After learning Python teaching it on PyBites with best friend Bob, Julian has made it his mission to spread his love of Python and his expertise in communication and mindset. You can hear Julian in action here.
PyBites Module of the Week – Pexpect
By Julian Sequeira on 27 July 2017
A brief overview of the pexpect module
Step-by-Step Guide on Deploying a Simple Flask App to Heroku
By Julian Sequeira on 21 July 2017
A step-by-step guide on deploying a simple flask app to Heroku.
The Importance of Refactoring Code
By Julian Sequeira on 13 July 2017
In this quick post I discuss why refactoring code is one of the most important parts of the learning process.
Flask Web Server Port Mapping
By Julian Sequeira on 1 July 2017
A quick post on Flask App port mapping
PyBites Module of the Week – Pendulum
By Julian Sequeira on 24 June 2017
A brief overview of the Pendulum datetime module.
How to Write a Python Subclass
By Julian Sequeira on 17 June 2017
In this article I cover Python subclasses and inheritance using a relatable code example scenario.
Using Python Requests on a Page Behind a Login
By Julian Sequeira on 9 June 2017
In this post I discuss using the requests module on web pages behind a login
Flask Sessions
By Julian Sequeira on 2 June 2017
In this quick post I discuss Flask Sessions and provide a few use cases.
How to Write a Python Class
By Julian Sequeira on 25 May 2017
In this post I cover learning Python classes by walking through one of our 100 days of code submissions.