In this post we demonstrate ways in which you can parse common data formats used in Python.
Julian Sequeira
After working with servers, data centers and communications at some of the largest companies on the planet, Julian made the switch to a Python software developer role in 2019. After learning Python teaching it on PyBites with best friend Bob, Julian has made it his mission to spread his love of Python and his expertise in communication and mindset. You can hear Julian in action here.
How to Download an XML File with Python
By Julian Sequeira on 4 May 2017
In this post I detail how to download an xml file to your OS and why it’s not as simple as you’d think
Learn Python by Coding for Yourself
By Julian Sequeira on 27 April 2017
In this post I discuss (with examples) why it’s important to learn Python by actually coding. It’s not enough to just read!
Beginning Flask
By Julian Sequeira on 13 April 2017
In this post I cover the basics of Flask in language that anyone can understand.
Flask for Loops – Printing Dict Data
By Julian Sequeira on 6 April 2017
In this post I demo how to create an extremely simple Flask app that prints the contents of a Dict to a web page.
PyBites Module of the Week – ipaddress
By Julian Sequeira on 23 March 2017
While playing around with code for our post on generators we discovered the ipaddress module, part of the Standard Library. Such a handy little module!
Generators are Awesome, Learning by Example
By Julian Sequeira on 17 March 2017
Learn what a Generator is and check out some different examples.
Comparing Lists with Difflib
By Julian Sequeira on 8 March 2017
Learn to compare blocks of text with the difflib module.
Pythonic String Formatting
By Julian Sequeira on 2 March 2017
The formatting of strings has been a hot topic in Python and something that I struggled with at the beginning. It’s quite interesting to see how it’s evolved over time to be what it is today!
Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Review
By Julian Sequeira on 23 February 2017
Review of Michael Kennedy’s Brilliant Pythonic Code Course