Naming conventions can be tricky in Py. It’s good to make sure we’re all on the same page.
Julian Sequeira
After working with servers, data centers and communications at some of the largest companies on the planet, Julian made the switch to a Python software developer role in 2019. After learning Python teaching it on PyBites with best friend Bob, Julian has made it his mission to spread his love of Python and his expertise in communication and mindset. You can hear Julian in action here.
Don’t Let Indentation Catch You Out
By Julian Sequeira on 30 December 2016
Python indentation can be a cruel mistress. Let’s get it right!
A Quick Automate the Boring Stuff Review
By Julian Sequeira on 26 December 2016
A quick review of the legendary free book, Automate the Boring Stuff.
The Beauty of Python Virtualenvs
By Julian Sequeira on 22 December 2016
Python Virtualenvs are incredible yet sadly under utilised!