Elevating Python Mastery With Pybites Real-World Developer Certifications

“The most rigorous certification program of its kind … the total end result of which is an absurdly high number of finished, feature-rich, production-ready software applications.” – Josh E Introduction  In the world of Python programming, Pybites stands out with its unique approach to education and certification.  In an era where programming skills are in… Continue reading Elevating Python Mastery With Pybites Real-World Developer Certifications

How to Land a Dev Job in 2023: Proven Strategies & Mistakes to Avoid

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast … On YouTube: Or listen here: In this episode, we delve deep into the nuances of developer job hunting in 2023. The job market landscape has evolved, making persistence and resilience key virtues for any aspiring developer. We shed light on why you shouldn’t limit your search to just… Continue reading How to Land a Dev Job in 2023: Proven Strategies & Mistakes to Avoid

Excel Embraces Python, Opening Doors to New Roles and How PDI Can Help

In this episode, we delve into the groundbreaking integration of Python within Microsoft Excel and its transformative impact on non-tech professions. 💪📈 Listen here: Or watch here: Discover how this evolution empowers professionals across diverse fields and the dynamic opportunities it presents for career advancement. We also shine a spotlight on the achievements of people… Continue reading Excel Embraces Python, Opening Doors to New Roles and How PDI Can Help

10 Tips to Make Your Developer Resume Stand Out

At Pybites we support our pythonistas with expert CV guidance to make their job applications stand out in a tight talent market 💪 📈 Here are some essential ingredients that make a great resume: 1. Clear and Concise Structure Start with a clean, well-organized format. Use headers, bullet points, and consistent fonts to ensure readability.… Continue reading 10 Tips to Make Your Developer Resume Stand Out

Harnessing Downtime: The Power of Disconnecting

In this episode of the Pybites podcast, we dive into the power of stepping back from the daily grind, whether that’s coding or career-focused 🧘 Watch here: Or listen here: Drawing insights from Julian’s month-long trip to Canada, we discuss how disconnecting can provide clarity and inspiration for personal growth, and how it can inform… Continue reading Harnessing Downtime: The Power of Disconnecting

Python Coding Interview Learning Path

Introduction Most companies, when recruiting new software engineers, include at least one coding interview as part of their selection process. And why not? We’re software engineers, after all; writing (and reading) code is what we do.  Yet, even for the seasoned Pythonista, there is one coding interview that often feels disproportionately — and unnecessarily — stressful:… Continue reading Python Coding Interview Learning Path

Veterans in the workplace, challenges and tips

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast! Watch here: Or listen here: In this podcast episode, Julian interviews Isaac Smit, a former member of the US Navy and current program manager at Amazon. He discusses the challenges faced by veterans in the workplace and how we can support them better. Isaac highlights two main difficulties veterans… Continue reading Veterans in the workplace, challenges and tips