In this post I share a quick script I produced last week to automate a portion of our review post. There are some nice idioms that you might find useful.
Articles on Data
Data Analysis of Pybites Community Branch Activity
By Martin Uribe on 18 October 2018
I wanted to play around with a dataset and see what I could find out about it. I decided on analyzing the little bit of data that I could collect from Github without having to use an OAuth key, which limits it to just 300 events. If you want to follow along with my notebook check out the instructions here. This notebook was my submission for Code Challenge 47 – PyBites First Year in Data (Special).
Using Pandas and Seaborn to solve PyBites Marvel Challenge
By Martin Smith on 7 December 2017
Today we have Martin Smith show us how he used Pandas and Seaborn to solve our Marvel Comics Challenge. Take it away Martin!
Visualizing website and social media metrics with matplotlib [notebook]
By Bob Belderbos on 8 February 2017
in this notebook i use matplotlib.pyplot to create simple yet powerful visualizations of pybites twitter activity, our blog’s tag usage and our website traffic. Lastly I use Google trends to see popularity of various social media.
Read the stdlib: deque
By Bob Belderbos on 20 December 2016
Use collections.deque to rotate letters in string (or elements in list). It has a native method which performs faster too.