For the PDM program I worked on a FastAPI project to track books using the Google Book API and also provide AI powered recommendations using Marvin AI. As the project came closer to deployment, I knew that I wanted to try out containerization for a reliable and repeatable way to deploy. I chose Docker due… Continue reading FastAPI Deployment Made Easy with Docker and
Articles on Devops
How to package and deploy CLI applications with Python PyPA setuptools build
By yaythomas on 30 August 2021
This article covers how to package your Python code as a CLI application using just the official PyPA provided tools, without installing additional external dependencies. If you prefer reading code to reading words, you can find the full example demo code discussed in this article here: example repo of Python CLI packaged with PyPA setuptools… Continue reading How to package and deploy CLI applications with Python PyPA setuptools build
How to Write a Python Class
By Julian Sequeira on 25 May 2017
In this post I cover learning Python classes by walking through one of our 100 days of code submissions.