Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Watch here: Or listen here: In this week’s episode we talk with Dane about packaging and the rich ecosystem of Python tooling. Dane is the author of Publishing Python Packages, a new Manning book that just came out. In our conversation we dive into some of the specific challenges and opportunities that come with packaging… Continue reading Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Configure a Linux Development Environment on Windows with WSL and VS Code

About WSL It seems like everyone is using Linux or Mac for software development these days, but if you’re a windows user, you may have looked into what you needed to do to be able to use Linux on your PC and found that dual-booting or virtual machines sounded like too much trouble. But these… Continue reading Configure a Linux Development Environment on Windows with WSL and VS Code

A debugging tale

I ran into an interesting issue debugging the other day … I used isort with pre-commit to automatically sort imports before committing my code. This is a huge time saver and I am very thankful for both tools, as well as black and flake8. They save a ton of time and they instantly boost the… Continue reading A debugging tale

How to Create an AWS Lambda Layer For Any Python Dependency

I finally managed to get scikit-learn running on the platform. On the way, I learned a lot about AWS Lambda Layers, AWS cli, and AWS cloud infrastructure in general. And now it’s time I share this knowledge with you. In this article you will learn about creating your own AWS Lambda Layer to support any Python package you may need.

How to Run External Python Libraries in AWS Cloud

AWS Lambda is awesome, but sometimes it can be hard to get external libraries working in this serverless environment. No worries, we learned a lesson or two which I will share in this article. Ready to run almost any Python library in the cloud? This should excite you and even trigger your entrepeneurial mind …