Developer Mindset Training – III. Holistic Developer Skills

Welcome back to our Developer Mindset (ADM) training, part 3 (out of 4).

This training is all about holistic developer skills

As per the previous parts, first we spend a little bit of time imagining what mastering this skillset can mean for you personally.

Then we look at common struggles people hit and false beliefs in our industry – things that can seriously hamper your progress towards becoming a developer.

Next we show real world examples of how we (and our clients) applied the principles we teach, showing how doing so made the struggles a thing of the past. These examples also show that you can indeed become a proficient Python developer!

And you don’t have to be a math expert or spent 4 expensive years ($$ and time wise) getting a CS degree!

We show that design patterns and performance are not typically the things you should focus on when building a Python project from the ground, it will actually stand in the way of getting software shipped (which, as we said in the previous parts, is paramount to your progress).

So as with the previous training videos in this series, expect a lot of clarity on the relative few things that really matter, making the complex simpler, and providing you with a roadmap of doing things in the right order. 

Finally, we distilled the core skills into a single slide you can easily capture and have at your desk to make sure you keep focusing on the right things.

Without further ado, check out our training here: 

We hope this gives you valuable insight to keep progressing as a Pythonista, aspiring or improving developer.

Homework: yesterday we looked at what to build, now we start building! Create your project repo or pick an existing one and email it to us:

In the email highlight one or more issues/ doubts you have with your code or with moving the project forward.

Click here to watch next part about marketing your skills as a developer … (previous videos are here: part I + part II)

– Bob & Julian

P.S.: Again we think the homework is actually the most important part. Don’t just consume this training passively, you have to take action in order to see results!