Code Challenge 37 – Automate a Task With Twilio

Hi Pythonistas, this week we got a really cool challenge for you. Our Never Forget A Friend’s Birthday with Python, Flask and Twilio article got released on Twilio’s blog and we thought it would be awesome to have you code up the next Twilio app. Join our challenge and if you build something serious you could even pitch it to Twilio!

Code Challenge 34 – Build a Simple API With Django REST Framework

Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new ‘bite’ of Python programming! We love Django (#100DaysOfDjango) and Web APIs. Django REST framework combines the two. “Now is better than never.” – let’s jump right in and let’s use this week’s code challenge to build a simple API. In this article some ideas what we can build and links to resources to get started. Have fun and don’t forget to share (PR) your work, we can learn a lot from each other. Enjoy!

Code Challenge 25 – Notification Service of Now Playing and Upcoming Movies

Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new ‘bite’ of Python coding! What movies are in theaters now or just came out on your favorite streaming service? What are upcoming movies, when will they be released? Can I keep track of all new humor movies? Or what about that specific actor or director? Having a notification service around movies seems an interesting, fun and useful code challenge to us.