11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers

This week we talk with Sambhavi Dhanabalan about productivity as a developer. She shares 11 tips from her experience: 3 around planning and 8 generic tips. Watch here: Or listen here: We also talk about her background, wins and a book she’s reading. Enjoy this insightful conversation with Sambhavi. We’re sure that if you follow… Continue reading 11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers

Veterans in the workplace, challenges and tips

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast! Watch here: Or listen here: In this podcast episode, Julian interviews Isaac Smit, a former member of the US Navy and current program manager at Amazon. He discusses the challenges faced by veterans in the workplace and how we can support them better. Isaac highlights two main difficulties veterans… Continue reading Veterans in the workplace, challenges and tips

From 0 to 1 in Python: how Charles shipped his Fusion Chronicles Django app

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast! Watch here: Listen here: In this insightful conversation with software developer, PDM-er, and entrepreneur Charles Carriere, we delve into his journey of launching personal projects, overcoming imposter syndrome, and mastering Python.  He shares his experience of creating a Django app in our PDM program around fusion energy, aggregating and… Continue reading From 0 to 1 in Python: how Charles shipped his Fusion Chronicles Django app

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 9 Tips to Boost Your Confidence as a Developer

Watch us here: Or listen here: In this podcast episode we discuss 9 tips to build confidence as a developer, drawing from our own experience + coaching 100+ (aspiring) Python developers. We cover the importance of starting with small, achievable projects, breaking down complex problems into smaller tasks, and practicing regularly.  Additionally, we emphasize the… Continue reading Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 9 Tips to Boost Your Confidence as a Developer

Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Watch here: Or listen here: In this week’s episode we talk with Dane about packaging and the rich ecosystem of Python tooling. Dane is the author of Publishing Python Packages, a new Manning book that just came out. In our conversation we dive into some of the specific challenges and opportunities that come with packaging… Continue reading Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Teaching packaging by building a Python package

Listen here Or watch here (recommended because there will be code!) Welcome back to our podcast. In this week’s episode we look at Python packaging. I was teaching this on our weekly PDM Code Clinic call and we ended up building quite a useful Pybites Open Source tool. Introducing pybites-search, a command line tool to… Continue reading Teaching packaging by building a Python package