6 Cool Things You Can Do With The Functools Module

In this article let’s look at the functools Standard Library module and 6 cool things you can do with it (be warned, a lot of decorators are coming your way! 😍) … 1. Cache (“memoize”) things You can use the @cache decorator (formerly called @lru_cache) as a “simple lightweight unbounded function cache”. The classic example is… Continue reading 6 Cool Things You Can Do With The Functools Module

Learning Python Decorators by Example

Decorators are a sometimes overlooked feature and they might be hard to grasp for beginning Pythonistas. I agree with Aaron Maxwell that mastering them “can massively magnify the positive impact of the code you write”, so make sure you add them to your toolkit if not done so already. In this article I explain what they do, why you want to use them and give some practical examples.