Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great

Listen here: Or watch here: Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week we have a very special guest: Blaise Pabon. We talk about his background in software development, how he started with Python and his journey with us in PDM. We also pick his brains about why Python is such a great language, the importance of… Continue reading Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great

From Excel to Python and succeeding as a Developer by building your portfolio

Listen here: Or watch here: Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week we have an inspirational chat with Juanjo: – How he started his  programming journey and what passionates him about this craft. – How he fell in love with Python. – How he overcame tutorial paralysis. – How PDM helped him improve his skills and… Continue reading From Excel to Python and succeeding as a Developer by building your portfolio

How Michael Knott used Python to enhance his sports coaching career

Listen here: Or watch here: Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week we have a wonderful chat with Michael Knott. We talk about the most valuable things about Michael’s Python journey, including what he achieved through our PDM program.  We talk about:– Michael’s work as a fitness coach and how he got into Python as… Continue reading How Michael Knott used Python to enhance his sports coaching career

10 things that hamper your Python career progress

We all know that becoming a Python developer is hard. There’s the “10,000-hour” principle which means there’s a significant amount of effort and time you’re going to have to invest. More important though is how you’ll spend that time. Are you working on the right things and tackling increasingly challenging goals? We talk with a… Continue reading 10 things that hamper your Python career progress