Introducing eXact-RAG: the ultimate local Multimodal Rag

Exact-RAG is a powerful multimodal model designed for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). It seamlessly integrates text, visual and audio information, allowing for enhanced content understanding and generation. In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Large language model (LLM), the quest for more efficient and versatile models continues unabated. One of the latest advancements in this realm… Continue reading Introducing eXact-RAG: the ultimate local Multimodal Rag

PyCon ES 2019 Alicante Highlights

Last weekend it was Pycon time again, my 6th one so far. This time closer to home: Alicante. I had an awesome time, meeting a lot of nice people, watching interesting talks and getting inspired overall to keep learning more Python. In this post I share 10 highlights, but keep in mind this is a selection only, there are quite a few more talks I want to check out once they appear on Youtube …

DisAtBot – How I Built a Chatbot With Telegram And Python

Rodolfo recently joined our Code Challenges and built Disaster Attention Bot (DisAtBot), a chatbot that helps people affected by natural disasters. In this article he shows how he built this bot with Telegram and (of course) Python. Show him some love because who knows, this could be a life saver (pun intended)! We are delighted to have him show this interesting project he submitted for Code Challenge 43 which earned him a book on chatbots. /Rod please share …