Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

In this post, I will build a simple fitness tracker app using Python Reflex. Reflex is a Python library that allows you to create reactive applications using a functional and declarative approach. We will use Reflex to create a simple fitness tracker app that allows you to log the amount of workouts completed per week.… Continue reading Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

From Teacher to Python Developer by Building a Community Platform Using Django

Watch here: Listen here: This week we talk with James Dycus about his journey from teacher to Python software developer. We talk about his background as a teacher and how het got into Python.  How he joined our PDM program a few months ago and the amazing growth he has experienced since by building out… Continue reading From Teacher to Python Developer by Building a Community Platform Using Django

11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers

This week we talk with Sambhavi Dhanabalan about productivity as a developer. She shares 11 tips from her experience: 3 around planning and 8 generic tips. Watch here: Or listen here: We also talk about her background, wins and a book she’s reading. Enjoy this insightful conversation with Sambhavi. We’re sure that if you follow… Continue reading 11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers

5 tips to learn any new Python library faster

This was a Pybites email first. To always get the latest and greatest content, subscribe here. Lately I have been learning some new libraries for weekly PDM Code Clinic demo sessions (e.g. PyScript, Flet, PySimpleGUI, Playwright, htmx, Redis, Leaflet, etc.) There is a general approach I take that makes this less painful and more fun.… Continue reading 5 tips to learn any new Python library faster