The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Python allows you to use *args and **kwargs in function definitions to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively. Here is a simple example: Different types of function arguments In the above example, the arbitrary_args function is defined to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments using the *args and **kwargs… Continue reading The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

How the Pygmalion Effect can improve your team’s performance

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This is the third and last mindset series episode with Alejandro BriceƱo. In this episode we talk about the Pygmalion Effect. What is it and what impact it can have in the work place and on people’s performance. Alejandro also shares his 3 favorite mindset books. Enjoy! Watch here:… Continue reading How the Pygmalion Effect can improve your team’s performance