Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great

Listen here: Or watch here: Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week we have a very special guest: Blaise Pabon. We talk about his background in software development, how he started with Python and his journey with us in PDM. We also pick his brains about why Python is such a great language, the importance of… Continue reading Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great

Teachers aren’t the only ones who teach. As a developer you’re expected to do so too …

This article appeared first as a Pybites email. To receive this kind of content first, subscribe to our weekly newsletter. For a long time, I thought I should not make mistakes when teaching other developers. I would hide behind slides because they were “hardcoded”, safe, or I’d do a lot of editing of my coding… Continue reading Teachers aren’t the only ones who teach. As a developer you’re expected to do so too …

Pybites turns 6 today – 10 highlights + lessons learned

Today Pybites turns 6 years 🎉😎 We could never have envisioned that our end-of-2016 “Python blog side project” would grow out into a fully fledged business serving thousands of people worldwide! Here are 10 highlights / lessons learned from our journey so far: 1. Don’t procrastinate, implement We had been chatting for many years about ideas… Continue reading Pybites turns 6 today – 10 highlights + lessons learned

Finding new and removed Python 3.11 modules in 8 lines of code

In our TIL Slack channel AJ shared a cool new find: Today I learned about sys.stdlib_module_names: a frozenset of strings containing the names of standard library modules. … AJ on the Pybites Slack – TIL (today-I-learned) channel So I thought to give it a little test drive, specifically checking for modules that were added and… Continue reading Finding new and removed Python 3.11 modules in 8 lines of code

Help, I need to refactor a mega class! Here are 5 tips …

Somebody asked the other day for tips on how to refactor a mega-class? It was actually one of the first tasks on the new job, ouch! A single class, several thousands lines of code, no tests available 😮 You might scratch your head and say WTF?! After all, good developers decouple code into manageable pieces… Continue reading Help, I need to refactor a mega class! Here are 5 tips …

PyCon ES 2019 Alicante Highlights

Last weekend it was Pycon time again, my 6th one so far. This time closer to home: Alicante. I had an awesome time, meeting a lot of nice people, watching interesting talks and getting inspired overall to keep learning more Python. In this post I share 10 highlights, but keep in mind this is a selection only, there are quite a few more talks I want to check out once they appear on Youtube …