Documentation-driven development with Sebastián Ramirez

Listen here: This week Bob and Pybites Coach, Robin Beer, interview Sebastián Ramirez, the creator of FastAPI, Typer and SQLModel. We talk about:– What he is currently working on.– How to balance the large amount of opportunities in his space (open source developer productivity tips).– The process of designing new libraries that are the glue between other ones.– The feeling of… Continue reading Documentation-driven development with Sebastián Ramirez

Learn FastAPI through building a simple food tracker

If you’re doing any type of web development in Python, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about FastAPI by now. If not, go check it out now. It’s performant, intuitive and time saving (thanks to Pydantic / type hinting) and it supports API standards, e.g. OpenAPI (previously Swagger). You cannot leave this powerful framework out of your… Continue reading Learn FastAPI through building a simple food tracker