Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 9 Tips to Boost Your Confidence as a Developer

Watch us here: Or listen here: In this podcast episode we discuss 9 tips to build confidence as a developer, drawing from our own experience + coaching 100+ (aspiring) Python developers. We cover the importance of starting with small, achievable projects, breaking down complex problems into smaller tasks, and practicing regularly.  Additionally, we emphasize the… Continue reading Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 9 Tips to Boost Your Confidence as a Developer

10 things that hamper your Python career progress

We all know that becoming a Python developer is hard. There’s the “10,000-hour” principle which means there’s a significant amount of effort and time you’re going to have to invest. More important though is how you’ll spend that time. Are you working on the right things and tackling increasingly challenging goals? We talk with a… Continue reading 10 things that hamper your Python career progress

Break Fear to Boost Productivity

This week I’m looking at how fear can help you be more productive and, no I don’t mean the fear of not delivering on time… although that is a good motivator right? Actually no, that’s a terrible motivator. This is all about empowering you to break down fear barriers by getting uncomfortable then using that as a motivator to kick some goals!