Ever had a Python function behave strangely, remembering values between calls when it shouldn’t? You’re not alone! This is one of Python’s sneakiest pitfalls—mutable default parameters. Recently someone asked for help in our Pybites Circle Community with a Bite exercise that seemed to be behaving unexpectedly. It turned out that this was a result of modifying a mutable parameter… Continue reading The Mutable Trap: Avoiding Unintended Side Effects in Python
Articles on global
Adventures in Import-land, Part II
By Ashlynn Antrobus on 8 April 2024
“KeyError: ‘GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS‘” It was way too early in the morning for this error. See if you can spot the problem. I hadn’t had my coffee before trying to debug the code I’d written the night before, so it will probably take you less time than it did me. app.py: file_handling.py: See the problem? This was… Continue reading Adventures in Import-land, Part II