Python Coding Interview Learning Path

Introduction Most companies, when recruiting new software engineers, include at least one coding interview as part of their selection process. And why not? We’re software engineers, after all; writing (and reading) code is what we do.  Yet, even for the seasoned Pythonista, there is one coding interview that often feels disproportionately — and unnecessarily — stressful:… Continue reading Python Coding Interview Learning Path

5 tips to learn any new Python library faster

This was a Pybites email first. To always get the latest and greatest content, subscribe here. Lately I have been learning some new libraries for weekly PDM Code Clinic demo sessions (e.g. PyScript, Flet, PySimpleGUI, Playwright, htmx, Redis, Leaflet, etc.) There is a general approach I take that makes this less painful and more fun.… Continue reading 5 tips to learn any new Python library faster

Fail. Fail better. A change in attitude towards Imposter Syndrome

I’m afraid my introduction to you all will quickly turn into somewhat of a cliche being Canadian . Let me explain. You know what it’s like. You are watching a YouTube video on the latest and greatest tutorials (Yeah, I was also engulfed in the flames of  tutorial hell). Then it happens… commercial! Arghhhh! There is… Continue reading Fail. Fail better. A change in attitude towards Imposter Syndrome

Learn by building, how we built our own collaboration tool in Django

Listen now: In this episode we tell the story about Pybites CMS, our new powertool we use to better streamline our business. We tell why we built it, how it was an opportunity for Julian to brush up his coding skills, how we applied the PDM philosophy of learning by building, scratching your own itch.… Continue reading Learn by building, how we built our own collaboration tool in Django