Learn by building, how we built our own collaboration tool in Django

Listen now: In this episode we tell the story about Pybites CMS, our new powertool we use to better streamline our business. We tell why we built it, how it was an opportunity for Julian to brush up his coding skills, how we applied the PDM philosophy of learning by building, scratching your own itch.… Continue reading Learn by building, how we built our own collaboration tool in Django

Are you overwhelmed by tutorial paralysis?

Tutorial Paralysis, information overload, hoarding and never completing online courses (How large are your Udemy and Coursera libraries?)… This is the pain we’re increasingly hearing about in conversations with developers and it’s more common than you may realise. It’s real, it’s crippling and it can make you feel like you’re going nowhere. Even if you do manage… Continue reading Are you overwhelmed by tutorial paralysis?

PyCon ES 2019 Alicante Highlights

Last weekend it was Pycon time again, my 6th one so far. This time closer to home: Alicante. I had an awesome time, meeting a lot of nice people, watching interesting talks and getting inspired overall to keep learning more Python. In this post I share 10 highlights, but keep in mind this is a selection only, there are quite a few more talks I want to check out once they appear on Youtube …