⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

Anyone who’s worked with Python knows that modules can be a Godsend, saving you time, effort, and many lines of code. They even have namespacing built-in 💪 😍 To expand on this a bit: However, not all ways of using modules are equally beneficial. In this article, we will discuss why using import * can… Continue reading ⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Python allows you to use *args and **kwargs in function definitions to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively. Here is a simple example: Different types of function arguments In the above example, the arbitrary_args function is defined to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments using the *args and **kwargs… Continue reading The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python