Structuring Python projects properly, especially when developing packages, can often be confusing. Many developers struggle with common questions: To help clarify these common challenges, I’ll show how I typically set up Python projects and organise package structures using the Python package and environment manager, uv. The challenge A typical and recurring problem in Python is… Continue reading Case Study: Developing and Testing Python Packages with uv
Articles on packaging
Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling
By PyBites Team on 5 April 2023
Watch here: Or listen here: In this week’s episode we talk with Dane about packaging and the rich ecosystem of Python tooling. Dane is the author of Publishing Python Packages, a new Manning book that just came out. In our conversation we dive into some of the specific challenges and opportunities that come with packaging… Continue reading Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling
Teaching packaging by building a Python package
By PyBites Team on 25 March 2023
Listen here Or watch here (recommended because there will be code!) Welcome back to our podcast. In this week’s episode we look at Python packaging. I was teaching this on our weekly PDM Code Clinic call and we ended up building quite a useful Pybites Open Source tool. Introducing pybites-search, a command line tool to… Continue reading Teaching packaging by building a Python package
5 ways I use GitHub Actions
By Bob Belderbos on 14 December 2022
I am increasingly using GitHub Actions these days. If you’re new to this you might want to check out our article or video. In this article I will show you 5 cool ways I use it day to day. Run tests and linters The first and most obvious reason is to automate tooling. Although you probably want to… Continue reading 5 ways I use GitHub Actions
Annotate all the things! Why you should care about Python type hints …
By PyBites Team on 16 August 2022
Listen now: This week we have Will Frey on the podcast: ML engineer, Python “knowledge dictionary” and type hints fan & geek. We talk about his background, how he learns / keeps up with Python’s fast moving ecosystem and of course we look at Python’s type hints in-depth: why care and some of his favorite tricks. We… Continue reading Annotate all the things! Why you should care about Python type hints …
How to package and deploy CLI applications with Python PyPA setuptools build
By yaythomas on 30 August 2021
This article covers how to package your Python code as a CLI application using just the official PyPA provided tools, without installing additional external dependencies. If you prefer reading code to reading words, you can find the full example demo code discussed in this article here: example repo of Python CLI packaged with PyPA setuptools… Continue reading How to package and deploy CLI applications with Python PyPA setuptools build
Fast Emoji Lookup from the Command Line
By Bob Belderbos on 7 May 2021
Today I wanted to share a little app I built the other day to search emojis from the command line.
How to Deploy Your Open Source Package to PyPI
By Bob Belderbos on 31 August 2020
In this post I share some useful things I learned deploying an open source package to PyPI.
My Anaconda Workflow: Python environment and package management made easy
By Martin Uribe on 24 July 2018
in this article martin provides an easy-to-follow reference guide of his anaconda workflow. he uses this to make his life easier managing the his python environment and package dependencies. and to great avail as you will soon discover. not only will you learn the basics of the powerful conda tool, he also goes into more depth on the more niche/advanced features like using alternate channels, distributing and cloning environments, updating anaconda, and setting environment variables. warning: this might get you on anaconda, and if you are already you probably want to keep this one nearby for reference.
Code Challenge 30 – The Art of Refactoring: Improve Your Code
By PyBites Team on 1 August 2017
Hi Pythonistas, a new week, a new ‘bite’ of Python coding. Wow challenge 30 already! This week we let you hone your refactoring skills. Learn, code, PR submit (don’t be shy) and above all have fun!