The Mutable Trap: Avoiding Unintended Side Effects in Python

Ever had a Python function behave strangely, remembering values between calls when it shouldn’t? You’re not alone! This is one of Python’s sneakiest pitfalls—mutable default parameters. Recently someone asked for help in our Pybites Circle Community with a Bite exercise that seemed to be behaving unexpectedly. It turned out that this was a result of modifying a mutable parameter… Continue reading The Mutable Trap: Avoiding Unintended Side Effects in Python

Common Python developer pitfalls and the 80/20 that really matters

Listen here: Welcome back to another Pybites podcast episode. In this episode we talk about common pitfalls you want to avoid when becoming a Python developer: Pitfall #1: Tutorial paralysisPitfall #2: Improper sequencingPitfall #3: Obsessing over Pythonic codePitfall #4: Going on your own for too long … after that we look at the 80/20 (aka… Continue reading Common Python developer pitfalls and the 80/20 that really matters