Structuring Python projects properly, especially when developing packages, can often be confusing. Many developers struggle with common questions: To help clarify these common challenges, I’ll show how I typically set up Python projects and organise package structures using the Python package and environment manager, uv. The challenge A typical and recurring problem in Python is… Continue reading Case Study: Developing and Testing Python Packages with uv
Articles on pytest
How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile
By Bob Belderbos on 2 August 2023
Makefiles are awesome, and you can use them in your Python projects too (they are not only to compile and build C/C++ projects that is) 😎 They help you automate various tasks and streamline the development process overall 🚀 They allow you to: – Manage dependencies– Run tests– Build documentation– Format your code– Lint and… Continue reading How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile
Building a 500 line API regression test suite
By Bob Belderbos on 15 December 2022
This article appeared as a Pybites email first. If you like it consider joining our friends list for weekly Python, developer and (!) mindset content … Last year I built a cool API to post code images using our pybites-carbon tool. It will store the tip code in a database and store the code image in an… Continue reading Building a 500 line API regression test suite
The hidden cost of pursuing a higher salary
By PyBites Team on 27 May 2022
Listen now: This week we talk about a “taboo” topic: the pursuit of chasing the bigger paycheque. We reflect on the (hidden) cost of this and what to take into consideration. As usual, we also share some cool wins and books we’re reading. Join our Facebook group:– Live training coming in a few weeks …… Continue reading The hidden cost of pursuing a higher salary
5 Helpful Python Decorator Use Cases
By Bob Belderbos on 3 August 2021
Some time ago I asked on Twitter: I was curious what you use #Python decorators for? And I got quite an amazing / insightful response: The obvious next step for me was to look at some examples / use cases. So below are 5 useful applications of decorators. Study them, then apply similar things to… Continue reading 5 Helpful Python Decorator Use Cases
Fast Emoji Lookup from the Command Line
By Bob Belderbos on 7 May 2021
Today I wanted to share a little app I built the other day to search emojis from the command line.
10 Cool Pytest Tips You Might Not Know About
By Bob Belderbos on 26 February 2021
Here are 10 things we learned writing pytest code that might come in handy.
Assertions About Exceptions With pytest.raises()
By AJ Kerrigan on 18 May 2020
It’s useful to test for exceptions exceptions in your code. A handy feature of pytest makes that fun and flexible!
How to Debug a Hanging Test Using pytest
By Bob Belderbos on 18 March 2020
Today a wanted to share a neat trick that might save you some headache: debugging a hanging test.
Exploring the Mutpy Library and How PyBites Uses it to Verify Test Code
By Harrison Morgan on 9 February 2020
A while back we launched our Test Bites. In this follow up article Harrison explains the MutPy mutation testing tool in depth and how we use it to verify test code on our platform. Enter Harrison.