Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

In this post, I will build a simple fitness tracker app using Python Reflex. Reflex is a Python library that allows you to create reactive applications using a functional and declarative approach. We will use Reflex to create a simple fitness tracker app that allows you to log the amount of workouts completed per week.… Continue reading Creating a Fitness Tracker App with Python Reflex

How to convert a Python script into a web app, a product others can use

So, you’re a Python developer or you just use Python to make your life easier by writing utility scripts to automate repetitive tasks and boost your productivity.Such Python scripts are usually local to your machine, run from the command line and require some Python skills to use including for instance setting up a virtual environment… Continue reading How to convert a Python script into a web app, a product others can use

Mutable vs Immutable Data Types in Python

Knowing the difference between mutable and immutable types in Python is important. In this article I will give you some practical examples of both and show you some of the advantages of using immutable types. We even look at JS / React / functional programming a bit towards the end.