Structuring Python projects properly, especially when developing packages, can often be confusing. Many developers struggle with common questions: To help clarify these common challenges, I’ll show how I typically set up Python projects and organise package structures using the Python package and environment manager, uv. The challenge A typical and recurring problem in Python is… Continue reading Case Study: Developing and Testing Python Packages with uv
Articles on testing
Stuck in import hell? Walk your way out.
By Russell Helmstedter on 22 February 2024
Welcome to Hell Cue the theme song from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. This is a story that turns out well. But my code got stuck in import hell. I tried to teach my students all about pytest. Instead, for two days, I was sent on a debugging quest. I teach middle school students… Continue reading Stuck in import hell? Walk your way out.
When to refactor your code?
By Rob van der Leek on 11 August 2023
How to make refactoring part of your Definition of Done Writing code is an iterative process. The first iteration is usually not the best result. Grooming and polishing ✨ are needed before the code is ready to share with the world (and your future self). There is a saying in software development that illustrates the… Continue reading When to refactor your code?
How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile
By Bob Belderbos on 2 August 2023
Makefiles are awesome, and you can use them in your Python projects too (they are not only to compile and build C/C++ projects that is) 😎 They help you automate various tasks and streamline the development process overall 🚀 They allow you to: – Manage dependencies– Run tests– Build documentation– Format your code– Lint and… Continue reading How to better streamline your Python project using a Makefile
Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling
By PyBites Team on 5 April 2023
Watch here: Or listen here: In this week’s episode we talk with Dane about packaging and the rich ecosystem of Python tooling. Dane is the author of Publishing Python Packages, a new Manning book that just came out. In our conversation we dive into some of the specific challenges and opportunities that come with packaging… Continue reading Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling
Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great
By PyBites Team on 13 March 2023
Listen here: Or watch here: Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This week we have a very special guest: Blaise Pabon. We talk about his background in software development, how he started with Python and his journey with us in PDM. We also pick his brains about why Python is such a great language, the importance of… Continue reading Blaise Pabon on his developer journey, open source and why Python is great
New on our platform: Typer learning path
By PyBites Team on 7 November 2022
It’s finally here … our new Typer learning path! Where? On our platform, check it out here: Typer is an amazing library for building Command Line Interfaces (CLIs). Leveraging Python type hints you can build great command line apps with relatively little code. In this learning path we’ll have you practice the main features… Continue reading New on our platform: Typer learning path
Help, I need to refactor a mega class! Here are 5 tips …
By PyBites Team on 24 September 2022
Somebody asked the other day for tips on how to refactor a mega-class? It was actually one of the first tasks on the new job, ouch! A single class, several thousands lines of code, no tests available 😮 You might scratch your head and say WTF?! After all, good developers decouple code into manageable pieces… Continue reading Help, I need to refactor a mega class! Here are 5 tips …
10 Tips to Write Better Functions in Python
By Bob Belderbos on 19 January 2022
In today’s article 10 tips to improve the quality of your Python functions.
The Benefits of Using GitHub Actions
By Bob Belderbos on 13 August 2021
If you’re not using GitHub Actions you’re missing out! This tool is a great way to catch any errors in the central place of the GitHub repo. Catch errors early Of course this is always second best, developers should do their due diligence locally first before pushing code: Some of my favorites in that regard… Continue reading The Benefits of Using GitHub Actions