Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Watch here: Or listen here: In this week’s episode we talk with Dane about packaging and the rich ecosystem of Python tooling. Dane is the author of Publishing Python Packages, a new Manning book that just came out. In our conversation we dive into some of the specific challenges and opportunities that come with packaging… Continue reading Dane Hillard on Python packaging and effective developer tooling

Best Practices for Compatible Python 2 and 3 Code

95% of most popular Python packages support Python 3. Maybe you are lucky and get to start fresh using Python 3. However as of last year Python 2.7 still reigns supreme in pip installs and at a lot of places 2.x is the only version you get to work in. I think writing Python 2 and 3 compatible code is an important skill, so lets check what it entails.