Why Start Your Programming Journey With Python?

Diving into Programming with Python I’ve spent years entertaining the thought of becoming a software developer, only to get overwhelmed by the vast array (pun intended) of programming languages to choose from. Which one should I choose, where do I begin? Java? JavaScript? C? C++? C#? Ruby? Django? Flask? Woah… wait a minute? Understanding Frameworks… Continue reading Why Start Your Programming Journey With Python?

Write more maintainable Python code, avoid these 15 code smells

This week we talk about code smells. 💡 Listen here: Also available on our YouTube channel: Code smells are characteristics in the code that might indicate deeper issues or potential problems. While they’re not necessarily bugs, they can be a sign of poor code quality or maintainability issues. 😱 We distilled 15 common smells ranging… Continue reading Write more maintainable Python code, avoid these 15 code smells

Make Each Line Count, Keeping Things Simple in Python

A challenge in software development is to keep things simple 🤯 For your code to not grow overly complex over time 😱 Simple is better than complex.Complex is better than complicated. Zen of Python 🐍 Simplicity in your code means fewer possibilities for bugs to hide and easier debugging when they do arise 📈 It… Continue reading Make Each Line Count, Keeping Things Simple in Python

⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

Anyone who’s worked with Python knows that modules can be a Godsend, saving you time, effort, and many lines of code. They even have namespacing built-in 💪 😍 To expand on this a bit: However, not all ways of using modules are equally beneficial. In this article, we will discuss why using import * can… Continue reading ⚠️Why you should avoid import * in Python 🐍

The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Python allows you to use *args and **kwargs in function definitions to accept an arbitrary number of positional and keyword arguments, respectively. Here is a simple example: Different types of function arguments In the above example, the arbitrary_args function is defined to accept any number of positional and keyword arguments using the *args and **kwargs… Continue reading The Arbitrary (Keyword) Arguments (args and kwargs) don’t come “for free” in Python

Django class based vs function based views

This post first appeared as an email on our friends list. We decided to publish it here because the question is still commonly asked 🤔 The other day I did a presentation on Django class based vs function based views. (Warning: this post is opinionated 😃) Also if you’re not into Django don’t stop reading just yet, because there are… Continue reading Django class based vs function based views