Developer Mindset Training – IV. Marketability Engine

When you’re able to effectively market your Python skills, the world is your oyster.

– The Pybites guys (building in their garage)

Ok there was not really a garage, but we did build something special over the years with a unique approach that gets people results.

And in this last session we’ll show you an important part of that approach…

Welcome back to our Developer Mindset (ADM) training, the 4th and final part: marketability engine.

This 4th session is probably the most important one, because the false myth of, “build it and they will come”, is as true for startups as it is for Python developers.

Because you can have top notch technical skills, but if you don’t know how to promote them, you won’t get very far in your developer career.

In this training we cover the following:

  • We give you practical tips how to start promoting your skills leveraging simple tools we all have access to (we really live in fortunate times!)
  • We talk about networking, how it’s a slow but steady process that will compound over time (did you know Julian and myself met over email? Profound truth: Pybites owes its existence to networking!)
  • Don’t ignore adjacent skills that can help you become effective as a developer (e.g. being good with numbers, support experience, managerial skills, etc.)
  • We talk about the craftsman mindset and building career assets we learned from So good they can’t ignore you and why it’s so powerful / necessary.
  • We use personal stories from our (and our client’s) developer journeys of effectively jumpstarting developer careers, which we hope will inspire you to do the same.
  • We talk about the importance of not only building your portfolio, but also constantly talking about it.
  • And more…

As always, we openly talk about the imposter syndrome that goes hand in hand with breaking through as a developer.

Given how common this is after talking with hundreds of (aspiring) developers, we think this training will really resonate with you so without further ado:

Remember, opportunities don’t come automatically to you, at least not when you’re pretty new in the field, but the good news is that a lot is actually in your control and in this training you’ll learn how you can capitalize on that.

Homework for this training:
1. Share your LinkedIn with us (does it say “developer” yet?)
2. Reach out to one new contact this week and tell us about your experience (just email us at

We hope you’ve enjoyed this 4-part training and that it shifted your mind about the relatively few core skills that matter.

If this is the first session you’ve watched, the previous ones are available here:

Please reach out with any feedback you have about this training, we’re always happy to hear from you and iterate to make our content better!

Good luck in your further Python developer journey!

– Bob & Julian

P.S. as mentioned in the training, the 1:1 aspect of our coaching and working with people is highly effective. People come out with newly gained clarity, apps shipped which boosts their portfolio, and overall, the 80/20 of relevant developer (and mindset) skills mastered which increases their confidence significantly.

If our approach shown in this training resonates with you, and you feel that you’re currently stuck in your developer journey, and you feel you should be achieving more in your career (be it pay, work fulfilment, contribution, freedom / flexibility, security, etc), then don’t miss out on this opportunity to bridge the gap so when you get to 2024, you can look back on 2023 as the year you finally made some needed change.

Becoming so good they cannot ignore you is definitely within your reach. It often only requires a few tweaks and some expert guidance with high accountability to get things done.

Yes, 12 weeks of focused work is not easy, but your career can look drastically different after that.

We’ve shown the benefits and details of our PDM program, but don’t take our word for it. On our PDM page there are dozens of client stories telling you what they got out of the program. Check it out here:

We hope you’re excited at this point of the potential ADM can have for you and we’re looking forward to meeting you soon!