The importance of refactoring regularly [podcast]

By on 15 June 2023

In this episode we talk with Chris May, Python developer and coach, about his background and passion for refactoring.

Watch here:

Or listen here:

This turned into a beautiful love letter 💌 to refactoring and we think you should take notice, because adopting the mindset he teaches will improve your code. A lot!

Enjoy and as always reach out if you have any feedback, including direct refactoring questions to us, on Slack and/or to Chris (contact details below).

00:00 Intro snippet and intro music
00:41 Episode / guest intro
01:28 Who is Chris May? (and how we met)
02:53 What do you and how did you get into Python
05:22 Link between creativity and programming
06:30 How did you get to into refactoring (3 quotes)
08:05 Slatkin’s quote about devs spending 50% refactoring
09:10 Software as a craftsmanship / ROI of refactoring
11:06 Cunningham’s quote / idea about simplifying
13:11 Working in smaller increments
13:42 Schlawak’s quote about making refactoring a habit
15:15 Chris’ PyTexas talk / the power of refactoring
17:12 The need of having a test suite
18:19 PDM ad segment
19:30 Being pragmatic about testing / approval test
22:22 About Chris’ Refactoring Toolkit (Obsidian vault)
25:05 The importance of mindset for a developer
27:20 Software has to be malleable, change is constant
27:48 Books – Building a second brain
28:50 Note taking / GitHub issues (productivity tools)
30:30 Final shout-out / how to connect with Chris
32:00 Thanks + wrap up (there will be a part II …)
33:48 Outro music

Links / resources:

– Chris’ PyTexas talk: Improving code without losing your mind
– Refactoring Toolkit
– Mentioned Book: Building a Second Brain

Reach out to Chris:
– Website
– Mastodon
– Twitter
– LinkedIn
– Pybites Community

Pybites coaching: The PDM program

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