Elevating Python Mastery With Pybites Real-World Developer Certifications

“The most rigorous certification program of its kind … the total end result of which is an absurdly high number of finished, feature-rich, production-ready software applications.” – Josh E Introduction  In the world of Python programming, Pybites stands out with its unique approach to education and certification.  In an era where programming skills are in… Continue reading Elevating Python Mastery With Pybites Real-World Developer Certifications

How to Land a Dev Job in 2023: Proven Strategies & Mistakes to Avoid

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast … On YouTube: Or listen here: In this episode, we delve deep into the nuances of developer job hunting in 2023. The job market landscape has evolved, making persistence and resilience key virtues for any aspiring developer. We shed light on why you shouldn’t limit your search to just… Continue reading How to Land a Dev Job in 2023: Proven Strategies & Mistakes to Avoid

How the Pygmalion Effect can improve your team’s performance

Welcome back to the Pybites podcast. This is the third and last mindset series episode with Alejandro Briceño. In this episode we talk about the Pygmalion Effect. What is it and what impact it can have in the work place and on people’s performance. Alejandro also shares his 3 favorite mindset books. Enjoy! Watch here:… Continue reading How the Pygmalion Effect can improve your team’s performance

Building Confidence and Overcoming Challenges by Using Positive Self-Talk

In this episode we are joined by Alejandro Briceño, a chemical engineer turned HR professional and innovation consultant.  Watch here: Or listen here: We delve into the power of positive self-talk and its impact on facing challenges and fostering a growth mindset.  We discuss the importance of reframing negative thoughts, practicing self-compassion, and surrounding yourself… Continue reading Building Confidence and Overcoming Challenges by Using Positive Self-Talk

From Teacher to Python Developer by Building a Community Platform Using Django

Watch here: Listen here: This week we talk with James Dycus about his journey from teacher to Python software developer. We talk about his background as a teacher and how het got into Python.  How he joined our PDM program a few months ago and the amazing growth he has experienced since by building out… Continue reading From Teacher to Python Developer by Building a Community Platform Using Django

Using Python (and FastAPI) to support PFAS research

In this podcast episode, Robert Young, the director of an analytical chemistry lab at New Mexico State University, shares his unique journey from being a lawyer to becoming a chemist and a Python programmer.  Watch here: Or listen here: He explains how his passion for environmental causes led him to study chemical analysis and mass… Continue reading Using Python (and FastAPI) to support PFAS research

11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers

This week we talk with Sambhavi Dhanabalan about productivity as a developer. She shares 11 tips from her experience: 3 around planning and 8 generic tips. Watch here: Or listen here: We also talk about her background, wins and a book she’s reading. Enjoy this insightful conversation with Sambhavi. We’re sure that if you follow… Continue reading 11 Planning and Productivity tips for Python developers