Using Python (and FastAPI) to support PFAS research

In this podcast episode, Robert Young, the director of an analytical chemistry lab at New Mexico State University, shares his unique journey from being a lawyer to becoming a chemist and a Python programmer.  Watch here: Or listen here: He explains how his passion for environmental causes led him to study chemical analysis and mass… Continue reading Using Python (and FastAPI) to support PFAS research

Cool data side projects and prolific content creation

Listen here: This week we talk with Kristen Kehrer about her journey as a data scientist, developer advocate and content creator. We dive into how she got into DS and what excites her about the field. We talk about her developer relations work at Comet ML, her journey from R to Python, and some really cool data… Continue reading Cool data side projects and prolific content creation

Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Listen here: This week we talk with Yujian, software developer and entrepreneur. We dive into: – His background. – Why he uses Python and the switch from Java. – His core Python focus these days + cool side projects he’s maintaining. – How entrepreneurship is fundamentally different from software engineering. – His viral post on certificates vs the reality of looking things up… Continue reading Software Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Cleaning Text Data With Python

Machine Learning is super powerful if your data is numeric. What do you do, however, if you want to mine text data to discover hidden insights or to predict the sentiment of the text. What, for example, if you wanted to identify a post on a social media site as cyber bullying. In this article we introduce some methods to clean your text and prepare it for modelling.